Paper Folder

Paper folding devices are essential for any business that sends out high volumes of mail each day. At Postage Meter Supplies, we make buying a paper folder machine simple. The right paper folding device will save you and your business endless man hours previously spent manually folding documents. Plus, hand folded documents are oftentimes inaccurate and sloppy. Paper folding devices however, provide for the timely and precise fold of all your important documents and papers. Depending on the model and individual customer need, a paper folding machine can fold from a couple-- to several thousands of sheets of paper per hour. With such speed and efficiency, many businesses find that they are able to speed up productions, while also saving valuable time and money.

Postage Meter Supplies is dedicated to helping you find the paper folder that is most ideal for you. We have a wide assortment of friction fed and air fed paper folders, as well as numerous paper inserters and sealers available. We have manual and automatic folders; perfect for the home, office, or production line. Our machines are simple and straightforward to operate; plus, they can perform numerous types of folds. We understand that the most suitable fold for a document changes depending on the type of document. Thus, our machines have been designed with the required versatility to be able to accommodate and alternate among multiple folding options. They can perform letter, half, z-folds, double parallel, right angle, baronial, and other folds as well.

In order to determine the machine that is right for you, a couple of factors must first be considered. Things such as how much paper needs folding, how often the machine will be used, and the different types of paper you will be using all help in determining which machine will be best for you. Once those factors have been established, finding the appropriate paper folder device becomes much easier. Plus, Postage Meter Supplies has a staff of highly trained professionals who can assist you through the entire buying process. They can explain the pros and cons of certain machines, go over the many features of a particular paper folding machine, and answer any questions you may have. Our customer service agents are available to assist you online 24/7. You can also contact us via email or phone. Ordering your paper folder has never been easier!

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